It has been a month since we closed on the property. We were unable to complete our move until the end of May though, due to the fact that Matthew had to work for three weeks straight without more than a day or two off. Fortunately, once we were able to get busy packing and moving, things happened pretty quickly. The day we rented a moving truck and moved the majority of our stuff, we had several friends from church and from Matthew's job helping us load and unload the truck. It would have taken much longer without them; we definitely appreciate their help. The day after we officially moved into the house, we acquired a new dog. He is a hound mix named Bubba. I'll let Matthew talk about the dog and post pictures of him later.
We are still surrounded by packed boxes everywhere you look, so it may he a while before we're able to post regular updates. We're anxious to get started with various projects though. We have several large patches of rhubarb, so one of my first projects after we're settled in will be to make rhubarb pies and jellies.
Our five year old daughter keeps telling us that we need more animals, specifically chickens and horses. We will most likely get chickens this summer, but the horses will have to wait. I think we're all starting to get excited about this new homesteading venture. Now we just need a fence around the property so we can keep our animals in and the wild ones out. We'll probably get a goat or two once the gate is complete. I'm looking forward to have fresh eggs and milk every day. I just hope the dogs won't harass the other animals; Titus, the bear dog mix has already gotten himself in trouble with a mother moose and her twins who frequent our property. He lives to harass the wildlife. I'll post pictures of the moose later.
My posts will most likely continue to be infrequent at least until we get Internet access at the house. For now I'm posting from my iPhone, but my cell service out here is sketchy at best.
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